Unleash the Power of Feng Shui with Lyn Fernandez: Writing Is My Passion

Lyn Fernandez, a Feng Shui Consultant since 2003 with extensive training in both classical and Western Feng Shui, blends her expertise with personal experiences to guide readers from aspiration to achievement. After retiring from nursing in 2022, she now dedicates her time to writing, traveling, marathoning, and impactful community service.

Lyn Fernandez’s From Aspiration to Reality: Balancing the Elements is a journey of change, bringing together Feng Shui principles with practical advice so harmony could result in life. Simplifying the ideas of the Five Element Theory and the balance of Yin-Yang, Lyn tries to make personal growth easy for everyone. In this insight-provoking book, the readers will learn how to align their surroundings with their aspirations toward a better life. She walks the reader step by step through how to make those dreams real by turning space into a sanctuary for growth and positivity.

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Special Excellence in Bookmaking: A Master class in Feng Shui and Personal Growth

From Aspiration to Reality: Balancing the Elements exemplifies Special Excellence in bookmaking by effectively integrating Feng Shui principles with actionable insights that equip the reader to ignite personal growth and create living spaces that are in harmony with and aligned toward one’s life goals.

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Books Written to Perfection: A Journey Through Feng Shui and Aspirations

My journey with Feng Shui began in the early 2000s and culminated in my certification as a consultant in 2003 under Master Peter Leung and Terah Collins. Balancing this with my nursing career, I did find deeper insights into Feng Shui beyond the simple remedies of crystals. After retiring in 2022, I pursued dreams of travel, marathons, and community service inspired by the interconnectedness and intervention through Feng Shui. This is a book showing how knowing our desires and triggering the right Feng Shui elements can certainly lead us to a fulfilling life. It’s through aspirations and clear intentions that we can achieve our targets and enrich our lives.

As I ponder, words ring in my head: “Aspirations are like stars; with clear intentions and divine guidance, they can light our path to reality.”

Lyn Fernandez

Aspiration to Reality:  Balancing the Elements

Feng Shui and Aspirations: Crystals for Fulfillment

My voyage with Feng Shui began in the early 2000s, after which I got certified under Master Peter Leung and Terah Collins. Ever so calmly balancing my nursing career with the practice of Feng Shui, I moved from simple remedies to insights that have touched the core of my being. Upon retirement in 2022, new dreams of travel, running marathons, and community service were pursued with the help of the connection and working of Divine Intervention. This book gives a clear representation of how the understanding of Feng Shui makes desires a reality.


"Decorating Dreams with Divine Guidance: My Journey Through Feng Shui"

My journey with Feng Shui started in the early 2000s and culminated in certification in 2003 under the tutelage of Master Peter Leung and Terah Collins. Having initially balanced this with my nursing career, I found a deeper understanding of Feng Shui beyond simple remedies like crystals. Following retirement in 2022, dreams were furthered relating to travel, running marathons, and community service because of the interconnectedness and divine intervention that Feng Shui had presented to her.

Event Schedule and Activities

Take a journey of discovery into the transformation of Feng Shui from ancient origins to modern practice. Join our interactive workshops and seminars, complete with expert views on Feng Shui principles and their impacts on personal and professional aspirations. For the first time, do not miss these exclusive promotion packages that include consultation discounts and book signings!

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How to balance elements and activate guas.
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